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A commitment to the highest quality surgery

Professor Rajan specialises in complex surgery for male urological cancers, having trained in UK and international centres of excellence for prostate and testicular cancer surgeries.

Professor Rajan has experience of over 700 robotic prostate cancer surgeries, and has personally undertaken almost 400 of these himself regularly performing at least 2 per week. He advocates a patient-focussed and -tailored approach, using MRI-guided nerve-sparing and the novel retzius-sparing approach to reduce the side effects of surgery. 


Professor Rajan is committed to providing his patients with the best surgical outcomes.  His overall cancer clearance rates after robotic prostate cancer surgery are over 85%, which is better than national averages for UK surgeons.  Two-thirds of his patients regain urinary continence by 3 months, and over 90% are continent by 1 year. 


Professor Rajan is one of very few UK surgeons undertaking highly-specialised retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND) surgery for advanced testicular cancers.

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